
How to make the oversized trend work for you

“I’m afraid of the oversized trend. I feel I look sloppy”

This was a question during my weekly LinkedIn live “Your style matters, with Renee”, as we talked about how to make trends our own. 

Thought I’d answer it with a video so you can see what I’m describing.

Everything oversized can look sloppy and overwhelm your frame

And on the other hand, everything fitted and tight is just, well…… tight….

It’s about proportions

by varying the proportions, you add some definition and interest to your outfit, whether it’s for work or play

Another example, if you’re wearing leggings or slim leather pants, there is much more interest with your outfit if you top those pants with an oversized sweater, oversized buttoned down shirt or oversized blazer.

If you like wearing  loose, wide leg pants, wearing a very loose oversized top may overpower your frame. 

So vary the proportions for a much nicer look and more interest

What questions do you have about proportions?

When I create functional wardrobes for clients, in the “Level up your style” experience, proportions are always considered. 

I’d be happy to work with your wardrobe to create killer outfits for all your life events.

Book a call here


What do you think? do you think you can make this trend work for you? Was this post helpful? Drop a comment and let me know